Why sustainable shopping is a trend

Large bulk food department at supermarket

Embracing Sustainable Shopping: The Growing Trend with Five Compelling Reasons

In recent years, unpackaged shops have proliferated in major European cities, with Germany leading the way in initiating this sustainable shopping trend. Even supermarkets are increasingly opting for unpackaged displays or shelves. Early adopters have been familiar with this concept for years, and Food Dispense is here to shed light on five reasons why unpackaged shopping has become a prominent trend.

1. Rising Awareness of Plastic Footprint

The term “plastic footprint” has gained traction, thanks to organizations like the Plastic Soup Foundation. The alarming images of floating garbage dumps in the oceans have sparked massive awareness. Unpackaged shopping emerges as a simple yet impactful way to contribute to reducing (plastic) waste. The global call to minimise our plastic footprint resonates deeply with conscientious consumers.

2. Desire for Minimal (Plastic) Garbage at Home

While the separation of (plastic) garbage has increased, it comes with its challenges. Homes in Europe now have an average of 3 to 6 garbage cans, taking up space and causing inconveniences like unpleasant odours. The time-consuming and complex process of waste separation prompts a collective desire for less waste. Unpackaged shopping becomes an attractive solution as it aligns with the growing preference for minimalism and simplicity.

3. Transition from Package to No Bag

Recent changes in Holland’s regulations prohibit shop owners from providing free bags to customers. This has led to a significant shift in consumer behaviour, with research indicating that 8 out of 10 Dutch citizens now bring their own bags. The success in reducing plastic bags at checkout encourages the logical next step – reducing packaging in stores. Unpackaged shopping aligns seamlessly with this eco-conscious shift and encourages consumers to bring their own reusable bags.

4. The Joy of Scooping and Weighing

Recall the delight of being a child and scooping candies at the local store? Unpackaged shopping taps into this nostalgic joy by allowing customers to scoop and weigh their groceries. Beyond being ethically responsible, this approach is also enjoyable and straightforward. Shoppers can choose the precise amount of each product, reducing food waste and offering a personalised, interactive shopping experience.

5. Conscious Shopping Experience

Ever found yourself unintentionally buying more than planned, especially when shopping hungry? The blame often lies with attractive packaging designed to trigger impulsive purchases. Unpackaged shopping provides a conscious and peaceful alternative. Without the distraction of flashy packaging, consumers engage more thoughtfully with their food choices. By weighing and feeling products themselves, shoppers ensure a more intentional and mindful shopping experience.


Since 2010 Food Dispense, based in the Netherlands, offers dispense solutions to retailers, brands, food service and hospitality businesses in Europe. From a few single dispensers to a complete bulk wall or display. Start saving packaging today and lower your footprint. www.fooddispense.eu