About Food Dispense


Food Dispense The Netherlands was founded in 2010 by Wim van Dijk. After a period of working for Trade Fixtures, a USA based producer of food dispensers, Wim started his own company in dry food dispense solutions on the European market. Since then Food Dispense has served many clients in the food retail, food service and hospitality business. There is a solution for every food category from cereals and beans to spices and powders.

The bulk department

“Buy bulk and save packaging” that is how everybody in the USA has been motivated to shop at the bulk aisle. Take a paper bag and just buy the amount you need. In Europe the acceptance of bulk dispensers in food retail is still in progress. France is by far the country where buying “en vrac” is very popular. In Italy and the UK consumers love it too and in Germany the number of “Unverpackt” shops is growing again after a dark Corona period. Food Dispense offers individual dispensers, complete turnkey solutions and is a creative partner in special projects.

Different client needs

When we started we knew that our clients would come from different segments with different category needs. Sometimes food retailers just want a few dispensers on a shelf, sometimes they want to start a whole department including fixtures and displays. They need dispensers for basic foods like beans and rice, portion control dispensers for toppings or luxury dispensers for coffee beans. During the years we have extended our supplier base and also partnered with shopfitters and interior builders. We can now offer a dispense solution for every category and type of client.

Experienced partner

We know everything about dispensing

Turnkey solutions

Not only dispensers but also turnkey solutions

International business

Just let us know your needs. We ship all over the world

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